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Wednesday, 15 January, 2025

Judith Germain

Editor and Maverick Catalyst

Judith (our Founder) has been developing Maverick Leaders since 2005.

David Chislett

Chief Activator

David believes that creativity holds the answers to many of the ills of our world.

Rajan Shankara

World Yogi

Rajan teaches others how to control their mind, body, and emotions

Annabel Kaye

Gig Economy Specialist

Annabel founded KoffeeKlatch to support organisations outsourcing to freelancers.

Curtis Tappenden

Editorial Artist, Author

Wilful self-expression is deeply embedded in everything he does.

Bernie Ritchie


Known for her 'Maverickisation' of coaching.

Joe Lawrence

Project Manager

Believes leadership is about serving others through mentorship

Nick Day

Search Consultant

Reward Strategy Magazine presented Nick: Leadership & Knowledge Award 2019

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