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Monday, 13 January, 2025

David Chislett

David Chislett is a speaker, trainer and writer who has been working in the creative fields since 1994. He aims to change the world by helping people and organisations tap into their inherent capacity for creativity. David believes that Creativity holds the answers to many of the social and economic ills of our world and hopes to help more people discover their own options and choices by accessing their ability to create them. David is also a working poet and publishes work regularly on https://www.patreon.com/davidchislett. To learn more about his training and speaking offerings, head over to https://davidchislett.com

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Just change already really

Just change already, really. You don’t need to be a mystic to see how changing yourself changes the world. It’s just science. When you change, HOW you see changes … your assumptions, expectations and attitude...

The Genius Of Discipline

The Genius Of Discipline. When we fail, we all too often give up. The outcome, it seems, is not important enough to us for us to stop, reflect, learn and try again. So, we move...

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Is writing a Maverick skill?

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How Creative Thinking Drives Mavericks

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Driving Growth and Impact via Project Management In this episode Judith Germain speaks to Professor Adam Boddison, the CEO of the Association for Project...

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Mastering Perception and Embracing Paradox 

Mastering Perception and Embracing Paradox. In today's episode Judith Germain speaks to Dr John Demartini about how to master perception and embrace paradox. Judith...

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