Jeremy Utley is a world-leading expert on creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. He’s an adjunct professor at Stanford University, a General Partner at Freespin Capital, and the co-author of Ideaflow: The Only Business Metric That Matters, which landed him on the Thinkers50 Top Ten
Innovation Leaders watch list in 2023.
His award-winning teaching has touched more than a million students of innovation over the last 13 years. A dynamic and engaging speaker, Jeremy translates his research into the history of invention and discovery into transformative learning experiences.
His current research concerns the impact of generative AI on problem solving and innovation inside large organisations. As the Founder Stanford’s Masters of Creativity series (former Director of Executive Education), he considers himself to be a “front row student in the world’s coolest
classroom,” and shines a spotlight on the ways every single one of us can emulate creative masters and grow in our own journey of becoming.