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Sunday, 16 February, 2025

Jo Farmer

Jo Farmer was diagnosed late in life with Autism having struggled all her life, school, work and life to fit in. With the resultant effect on confidence. Based on her own experiences she now seeks to help others better understand and utilise the skills of autistic and Neuro-diverse people. Neuro-diverse people are often badly misunderstood but have so much to contribute, and have made the modern world possible. She now knows what it is like to feel accepted and valued for how and who she is. Based on this she wants to help business to embrace these skills. She is a blogger, has spoken on podcasts, conferences and panels how to understand autistic people better.

More Articles

Autism, grief and feathers

Autism, grief and feathers. One night I was woken up and was told that my dad had died, found dead in his house. I don’t remember if I cried. I was 15. I only cried in public 3...

Christmas Gatherings – how to make them autistic friendly

Christmas Gatherings – how to make them autistic friendly. Picture this ... It’s noisy, paper tearing, music on (you have no say about what music), people talking, tree lights flashing, lots of movement. Routine changed, unfamiliar food,...

Silence is golden – answering back is bad

Silence is golden - answering back is bad – not always with autistic people. Have you ever been with someone who is very quiet, or uncharacteristically so? You ask a question. Maybe get nothing back. Or...

Autism and Travelling – Strategies for surviving

Autism and Travelling – Strategies for surviving the event. Autistic people don’t always like change in routines and environments which can make events stressful, with expectations, real or perceived, from others not helping. And concerns how...

Inertia and Autism

Inertia and Autism. Have you ever felt that you were in a rut, not moving forward? No clear focus? But so much to do? Feeling very down about it sometimes. I do sometimes, like when dealing with projects, however...

Onions trust and autism

Onions, trust and autism. First day at a new company. I’d declared my autism. Induction was done in a meeting room, not an open office.  Light levels were checked. I could go to a quiet...

Animals, autism and acceptance

Animals, autism and acceptance. Peta was one of my first real friends as a child. I could talk to her, play with her. She always listened to me, knew when I was upset, played with me. I could...

Life after strokes

Life after strokes. I had a nasty shock recently. A very nasty shock indeed, and unexpected, although the signs had been coming.  And not been recognised. And when it hit I was literally floored. In early May I...

The room inside my head – then and now

The room inside my head – then and now. For years I felt there was a locked room inside my head, where the real me was. So where was I the rest of the time then? I’m...



Pause and Allow: The Art of Empowering Leadership

Pause and Allow: The Art of Empowering Leadership. In today's conversation Judith Germain speaks to Neil Jurd OBE who contrasts overly complicated leadership frameworks...

Riddle me this… creative

Riddle me this… creative Did you know that humans find it almost impossible to resist answering a questions? Even when we don’t know the answer,...

Hacking Your Brain to Set and Achieve Goals

Hacking Your Brain to Set and Achieve Goals. “People with goals succeed because they know where they're going.” - Earl Nightingale The best time is...

The Souls of Queer Folk

The Souls of Queer Folk: How LGBTQ+ Experiences Can Reshape Leadership. This was originally recorded on 21 January 25, prior to President Trump signing...

Lessons from a CIA Veteran

Critical Thinking and Maverick Leadership: Lessons from a CIA Veteran. In today's episode Judith Germain speaks to Jeffrey Sanow on critical thinking and leadership...

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