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Monday, 13 January, 2025

Ted Smith

Ted Smith is a mentor to many (not a coach), an author (of both non-fiction and fiction), and sometimes OD/HR Consultant, when he isn't attending a festival, watching sport or discovering things in his campervan (it has a lot of cupboards). Ted moved from a science degree into the HR world via a spell as Student Union President. He worked at Glaxo, Wellcome Trust, the MRC and a string of biotechs. He has a reputation for creativity and problem solving and is not afraid to challenge the status quo (or a senior exec). The only management txt book that he has ever managed to read from cover to cover was written by Ricardo Semler, second only to Nelson Mandela in the God-like status charts.

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Stealth Mentoring can really work

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Driving Growth and Impact via Project Management In this episode Judith Germain speaks to Professor Adam Boddison, the CEO of the Association for Project...

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Mastering Perception and Embracing Paradox 

Mastering Perception and Embracing Paradox. In today's episode Judith Germain speaks to Dr John Demartini about how to master perception and embrace paradox. Judith...

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