Computers heels and societal development


Computers, heels and societal development. Did you know that high heels were originally meant for men? And that computer programming was a job intended for women? Norms and roles within society are constantly evolving, just as how individuals continuously grow. But how do changes such as these correlate to mindset and personal growth?

With a quick google search you can find at least 30 products that were originally meant for the opposite sex. Some changes such as the use of leg stirrups definitely being for the better. I know I just sparked a question. And the answer to that is that the leg stirrups were invented for removing bladder stones from men. How? Well “simply” by cutting right through the prostate!

You can imagine that besides stones, many men lost their lives to this procedure. Luckily they are put to a much better use at a gynaecologist. Another product with a curious switch is the high heel shoe. Originally made for men, some sources saying its origins began with butchers, to prevent having feet soaked in blood. Another refers to use for needed extra balance when riding a horse and then we have its use of making aristocrat males appear taller and more intimidating.

This shift is quite interesting as it switches from something really practical, to an item which influences perception, mindset, personal growth and self esteem. The switch in audience has not changed, for women it’s also about appearance which then has an effect on perception, mindset, personal growth and self esteem. I include mindset and personal growth in the effects because the perception you think someone has of you, or the perception you want create correlates to mindset.

Self esteem links to personal growth as the stronger your belief in self is, the more open you would be to growing and learning. The curious thing is that a man wearing high heels in this modern era can be seen as a representation of great self esteem. The history of high heels also mirror how we as a society change our views on different topics. One moment it’s about practicality and then later on it goes beyond that and becomes something linked to culture, identity and mindset.

Computer programming from a collaborative job for the detailed oriented woman, to a job for the “geeky” male. From it’s inception in 1946 to around the 1970’s programming was one of the professions marketed to women. What is most interesting is how it was marketed. Currently, programming is seen as a job for the introvert or those with minimal social skills but back then the focus lay on the collaborative and planning aspect. Not only a total flip of gender roles but also a flip of expectations for the individual. One could say that the anti-socialness aspects within the male stereotypes were propagated and cultivated then. Back in that time period, men were well represented in nursing and teaching roles. If we look at this from a mindset aspect everyone was an emotional and social caretaker in some shape or form.

Society then began to place one gender in the more financial caretaker role and the other in the emotional social role. Now we see the start of a shift back to the more all around roles brought about by desired personal development of individuals and new expectations of society.

Over time we see how societal changes bring about various perspectives and rituals. Where pink was once worn by men to stand out and seen as a creating a powerful appearance, it is now seen as a feminine colour. Or how holding the door open was once done by women so that men could asses any potential dangers in a room and now is done by males as a courtesy to women. When undergoing a personal development we also experience different version of mindset. We may grow away from a certain perspective, only to come back to it with a renewed appreciation.