How to lead in times of transformation. It is the exact thing as leading in times of disruption. This is a truism that Maverick Leaders know well.
In this show, guest Patrick Fitzmaurice shares with Judith Germain his own leadership journey and the lessons that he learnt as a Maverick Leader. They discuss how to lead in times of disruption and transformation and the need for organised, thoughtful, paced change and how this can be achieved.
Patrick Fitzmaurice on radio!
Patrick and Judith talk about whether organisations are truly prepared for what it takes for true transformation to happen and the need for commitment and dedication for the right steps to be taken.
In the show they discuss what the barriers are to effectively leading change, what it takes to lead transformational success and the best practices in change leadership.
Patrick’s career has centred on helping companies and team leaders define and drive transformations. He founded his current consultancy, Caterpillar Farm Inc, because he saw that organisations were being disrupted in many ways, They had to change, and many (most?), suck at change! He is currently working with the USA 2022 Special Olympics Games enabling them to make the change that they want to see. He shares with Judith what lessons he thinks he will learn as he continues his association with them.
He also co-hosts a podcast called Change Cultivators which aims to glean best practices from proven change leaders to help all leaders of teams be better in times of change.
How to lead in times of transformation
Listen to Patrick on The Maverick Paradox @ KLDR Online Leadership Development Radio at the following times this week:
UK Show Times (GMT)
- 12 Noon – Mon, Wed, Fri
- 9 am – Thursday
US Show Times (CST)
- 12 Noon – Mon, Thurs, Fri
- 10 am Wednesday
This fascinating conversation with Patrick Fitzmaurice will be permanently available on The Maverick Paradox Podcast from 13 May 2022.