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Friday, 24 January, 2025

The Nothing box – what’s that?

The Nothing box – what’s that? It is a term that was made popular by Mark Gungor, in his talk about the difference between men and women’s brains and the effect it has on communication between them. If we look on a broader scale, society might now all be learning the importance of accessing this box.

In current society, connectivity has become one of the key pillars. Where in the past one could primarily contact you on your ‘home’ phone, most of us now have mobile phones and can be contacted no matter the time or place. As a result more and more people are looking to disconnect and this disconnecting is what “The Nothing Box” is actually all about. 

Men and women are looking at going into “The Nothing Box” of communication.   

Over the years technology has made rapid improvements. These improvements have brought about the possibilities of being more visible. Where one had to wait till vacation was over to see the vacations pictures, we can now see and share them instantly. Not only pictures but also video can be instantly shared with others. We now walk around with high quality cameras and super computers which fit into the palm of our hand.

Possibilities are endless! These possibilities also bring new expectations.  

Visibility is now being preached as one of the things one must work on. Visibility itself has become a business model, taking the next step in your career, growing your business or even finding a relationship now almost require regular/constant visibility. We unconsciously expect others to be visible and keep us up to date on whatever might be happening in their lives. The flip side of this is that we unconsciously try to remain visible ourselves. The urge to be visible differs per generation and personality type however it still something that affects us all. 

To escape this there are many initiatives and ideas out there. Think on the miracle morning routine (5 am club) that stimulates you to create a routine which focusses on you. The surge of yoga, mindfulness and meditation. The different apps for all our devices which are designed to assist us with taking a break from our screens. All of them actually focus on helping one find their “Nothing Box”.  Staying in the moment, will these methods remain sustainable? As Elon Musk recently announced, the next step in connectivity is a neurochip which will enable communication via our own super computer known as the brain. 

The big question is: How long will we still be able to enter “The Nothing Box”?

Josuel Rogers
Josuel Rogershttps://www.josuelrogers.com/
Josuël Rogers is a life & executive coach, speaker and podcast host. He is someone who values interpersonal-relationships and his passion lies in helping others become their best selves. As a personal and executive coach he uses his analytical skills and creativity to help others overcome their challenges. He has a love for the Hip Hop culture, and realising the lessons and mindset insights that the culture has to offer, he founded HipHop Culture Coaching where the world of coaching and the world of Hip Hop meet each other. HipHop Culture Coaching provides youth empowerment workshops and teambuilding sessions where the goal is better communication with others but also with yourself in order to maximize results.

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