The Maverick Mindset for Wellness


The Maverick Mindset for Wellness. In today’s fast-paced world, people have to hold tight on to wellness for their better today and tomorrow. Wellness is a term we hear almost everyday from influencers to doctors and fitness coaches. Suddenly, in recent times everyone seems to be so health conscious to achieve happy life. But being honest, following same old traditions can feel dull and forced, and one should know that what works for one might not work for another. This is where Maverick Mindset comes in.

Maverick mindset is a talk about breaking conventional styles of thinking and exploring new paths to discover your own path to wellness. It’s about trusting your intuition, being creative, and tailoring your lifestyle that suit your unique requirements. Lets dive into what means achieving wellness and how can one adopt this mindset to take control of their well-being.

What Does “Maverick Mindset” Mean for me?

The term ‘Maverick’ describes someone who is wilfully independent in his thoughts, decisions and doesn’t necessarily follow the crowd [1]. In the context of wellness, this means you don’t have to pick what the majority is already following, instead you should take time, and explore your own preferred path. Listen to your body and mind, experiment with what suits your mind and body and create a routine that feels right to you.

The maverick mindset is an objectification on getting behind the flock of sheep, although it doesn’t reject science and researches. It encourages you to implement those methods that suit you. Think of it as being the CEO of your health, make plans, study the methods, take advices, listen to all but ultimately take your own decisions and do what feels right for your healthy brain and body.

The Key Principles of a Maverick Wellness Approach

  1. Know Yourself First

To build a wellness plan, you need to understand yourself. What encourages you, and what demotivates you. What stresses you out and what feels you energised? What things you genuinely enjoy and what makes you feel bored. Take some time to reflect your habits, strengths, and weaknesses. For example:

If you are a morning person, morning yoga is your thing.

Are you a morning person who loves quiet time? Maybe morning yoga is for you.

Or do you love dancing, Then ditch the tracks and treadmills and hit dance class instead.

Knowing yourself means recognising where you enjoy being productive all the time, its about balancing with required amount of productivity and rest which your body requires.

  • Eat in a Way That Works for You

We’ve been told about several eating techniques that might be helpful to our wellness path. Keto, vegan, paleo, gluten-free – you name it. I believe the maverick mindset asks, ‘what does your body need?’

Some people rely on plant-based diet, while others feel better including meats. The key is to experiment and pay attention to what your body enjoys most. Pay attention to the meal and think what it makes you feel. If eating small meals throughout keeps you energised, go for it. If intermittent fasting feels natural, that’s okay too. Just don’t hesitate to give it a try. The goal is to find a way that fuels your body and enhance your life style.

  • Move in Ways You Enjoy

Exercise is often seen a core healthy choice to anyone seeking for wellness, but it does not have to be. Maverick tells about finding ways that are fun and fulfilling.

It could be dancing, skipping running or playing sports. Be adventurous, hike in nature or try martial arts if youre looking for challenge.

The best exercise is the one, you look forward to. Be focused on activities that make you happy, you’re more likely to achieve positivity from it in the long run.

  • Take Care of Your Mind

We pay a lot of attention to our physical health but mental health is often neglected. It has to be treated as an equally important organ of our body as the other organs. The healthy approach to mindfulness involves tools and practices that work for you. Things that give you joy and peace of mind. This could include:

  • Meditation to relax in peace
  • Creative hobbies to organize your thoughts and emotional processor
  • Avoid negative thoughts effecting your brain health

Taking therapy from a professional is an another great help to explore your hobbies and do self-recognition.

  • Think Holistically

Trying holistic approach to achieve wellness is an excellent way. The maverick mindset views wellness as a combination of physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual health. Try ways that help your physical body, mental health and support mental and spiritual energy combinely. For example:

  • Physical health involves more than just eating healthy and working out; it also includes getting sufficient rest, staying hydrated, and possibly trying supplements tailored to your specific requirements.
  • Emotional wellness might be avoiding negative social gatherings, letting go toxic relationships and practicing gratitude.
  • Spiritual wellness mean isn’t only related to yoga and meditation, but finding way to connect your soul to nature or simply finding purpose in your daily life.
  • By taking holistic approach you can realize that one positive roads leads to multiple positive impacts of your life.

Do Read: Putting mental wellness before the hustle

The Importance of Resilience

Life is not a piece of cake. Its an up down roller coaster, and the maverick has recognised this. Your ability to understand and adapt difficulty and bounce back accordingly when things don’t go as planned. For example:

You might face challenges at work, school or with relationships, but that’s part of life. You shouldn’t go hard on yourself and suffer for it. Instead of taking stress for it, release it with mindful practices so your don’t lose wellness.

If a particular wellness habit stopped working for you, its hormonal change or your body is going though something that altered the patterns. Start the exploration journey from the beginning and try something new.

The key is to stay flexible and don’t settle for anything that’s more comfortable than healthy. Remember wellness is continuous journey, not a destination.

Build a Support System

Your support system is something or something that support you in a way that you want to follow the route to wellness. This could be your family, friends, collegues, or online community.

  • Friends who could join you at healthy meals or do workouts together.
  • Family that appreciates you and help you boost confidence
  • Online communities that purposely build societies for such people and share tips to stay motivated.
  • A strong support system makes it easier to stick to your journey and enjoy the process.

Technology: Use It, Don’t Let It Use You

Technology is the most advanced yet helpful tool if used correctly. Fitness trackers, meditation apps, social media communities and online yoga helps you stay on track. However its easy to get overwhelmed by too much information available online, or feel pressurised with the amount of competition. You don’t have to compare yourself with anyone else. The best progresses are made when you compare your current progress with your previous results.

Maverick suggests using technology mindfully. Focus on information genuinely with the intention to learn, improve, and understand when to unplug yourself from the device.

Don’t Forget to Have Fun

Wellness could be a fruitful journey if you allow it. Let it embrace you, and let you enjoy life. Mavericks prioritise fun and life enjoyment as part of a wellness journey.

Enjoy your routines with activities that excite you like going out with friends, exploring nature, and adventure places and hobbies like photography, painting, skating, and trying different experiences. Travelling is always healthy it gives you chances to have experiences and study different places and people.

A playful life keeps your mind recharged and your body active.

Redefining Success in Wellness

Every person’s success could be different. One might achieve milestones and call it a success, and another will make up to get early of bed early and start a fresh day and call it a success. One of the best things about Maverick is that it lets everyone define success on their terms.

There’s no right and wrong, nothing big or small in defining success lines. The goal is to feel good with your mind and body and to live a life that makes you relaxed.

How to Start Your Maverick Wellness Journey

Here are a few steps to get started today with the Maverick mindset:

  • Reflect: Think about what’s working right for you, and what’s not.
  • Experiment: Try and experience new activities, hobbies, foods and routines before you decide what’s really for you.
  • Adapt: After you’ve taken a decision, try to adapt it, follow it and enjoy it. Forcing things on you will only make it worse, instead, try to find joy and happiness while you you follow the path to wellness.
  • Be kind to yourself: It takes time, to start new things and end previous patterns. It’s important to keep going with small steps rather than making a few big steps and then stop progressing.
  • Stay curious: The urge to learn and practice new things should never stop. It is said, that the day a person stops exploring he is dead already.


The maverick mindset for wellness is all about breaking the old patterns and exploring something new that’s for you. It’s not about, avoiding what everyone is doing, but about listening to yourself, staying flexible and enjoying the journey. When you take charge and make decisions of your own on a path to wellness, that’s when you can achieve life it enjoy its perks. Create a life that authentically feels like yours. 


[1] Maverick. Judith Germain has been defining maverick as a wilfully independent person since 2005.


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