Are you able to share your dream?


Are you able to share your dream? We all have dreams. Some are larger and more profound than others, but ultimately, we all dream. We wish for a better tomorrow than today, hoping for the opportunity to achieve what we have yet to achieve and aspire to our version of greatness. Some will reach their goals, some will surpass them widely, while others will see those unrealised dreams fade into the night.

So, what is the crucial factor in achieving goals? 

Is it individual talent and grit?

Is it focus and determination?

Is it tenacity?

All of this helps, but the most significant factor I have seen over the years that enables dreams to be shared is articulating them, codifying them and sharing them with others who can help you turn them into realities.

We need to communicate our dreams. We need to say them aloud, not only so others hear them, but so do we. 

When we articulate our dreams, they become actualisable goals. We can assess them in terms of where we are today, what keeps us from achieving those dreams, and what needs to happen to get us from where we are to where we desire to be.

It also allows other people to dream with you. It gives those around you a rallying point because when we articulate our dreams, they become more than just a dream for us; they become a goal for others, allowing them to see their success in your success.

They can see how their lives improve when that dream is achieved and how it enables them to further their dreams. But none of this comes without communication. We need to be succinct about our dream, how to actualise it, and how our world and the world around us are better because of it.

We need to be able to state that we need help.

Not because we are less than but because none of us possess unlimited talent, knowledge, or ability. The statement, “It takes a village,” did not come about by accident. We are all stronger, more intelligent, determined, strategic, analytic, and resourceful together, and none of us is as smart as all of us.

We need to share our dreams if we want them to come true, for our dreams are not to be celebrated and coveted alone but rather by a tribe that comes together with mutual needs, wants and desires.

If you achieve your goal alone, it will never be celebrated, appreciated or accepted by the greater community.

If you achieve your goal alone, it will never be as grand and overarching as it could be when accomplished by a group working together.

If you achieve your goal alone, its impact will be minimal, and its results will be short-lived.

It is time to recreate a world where the idea of “we before me” is the overreaching mantra and dreams are shared so the world becomes a better place for all.

I challenge you to share your dreams and create an impact that goes further than you can realise.

Editor’s footnote:

Ben Baker is a Featured Columnist, you can read all his articles by clicking below.