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Monday, 13 January, 2025

Christine Perakis

Christine is a business growth architect who guides small business owners to get from 0 to 8-Figures in Record Time. Most recently, having survived two category 5 hurricanes in two weeks, Christine has begun sharing the resilience and leadership strategies that helped her weather any storm in life and business. Her upcoming book, The Resilient Leader: Life-Changing Strategies to Overcome Today’s Turmoil and Tomorrow’s Uncertainty, being released in 2020, introduces these leadership strategies, the "7 Barometers of Resilience" that can help anyone weather the Category 5 situations in their lives and businesses and to come through to thrive. Prior to that, she released her bestselling book, The Entrepreneur's Essential Roadmap, a small business survival guide, an accumulation of two decades of small business experience. http://BusinessBreakthoughPro.com

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The Gift in Every Experience – Choose Your Words! Studies have shown how words are of little importance in verbal communication generally. When we are communicating face to face, it’s the nonverbal communication that matters...

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Keep the Emergency Channel Open

Keep the Emergency Channel Open in a Pandemic and Other Cat 5 Storms. ... As the winds died down and skies cleared, our ability to reach the outside world disappeared too – no cell phones,...



Driving Growth and Impact via Project Management

Driving Growth and Impact via Project Management In this episode Judith Germain speaks to Professor Adam Boddison, the CEO of the Association for Project...

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Mastering Perception and Embracing Paradox 

Mastering Perception and Embracing Paradox. In today's episode Judith Germain speaks to Dr John Demartini about how to master perception and embrace paradox. Judith...

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