Best global leadership blog


Best global leadership blog. The Maverick Paradox Magazine has recently achieved the global rank of 68th best global leadership blog to follow in 2022.

I was excited to see that on this list the magazine is also the 4th from the UK, which is fantastic!

The Maverick Paradox Magazine was officially launched in Jan 2020, with the aim of satiating the pathological curiosity of its potential readers. When I originally envisioned the magazine, I wanted to demonstrate that Maverick Leadership was present in all things and not just in leadership circles. That the power of who you are and what you do, could be utilised regardless of industry and sector.

The Maverick Paradox Magazine – leadership thoughts from a Maverick perspective

Written by a Swagger of Socialised Mavericks [1], the writing team (which changes from time to time), has been joined by a host of guest writers. I’m pleased to inform that there has been 83 writers since the launch of the magazine and this is article 692!

The Maverick Paradox Magazine is an online business magazine written by diverse, lateral thinkers who are knowledgeable peers, experts and specialists in a variety of fields.

We have been honoured to have many talented writers, here are just five:

  • Harris Rosen known as The Hospitality Maverick. As President and COO of Rosen Hotels & Resorts, Harris Rosen is Florida’s largest independent hotelier and philanthropist. He has written two articles for us. Doing the right thing and Always do the right thing.
  • Peter Docker is Co-author of Find Your Why and formerly a founding Igniter at Simon Sinek Inc. He teaches people how to navigate the challenge of leadership and is author of Leading from the Jumpseat.
  • David Chislett is our Creativity Columnist, a speaker, trainer and writer who has been working in the creative fields since 1994. He aims to change the world by helping people and organisations tap into their inherent capacity for creativity.
  • Josuel Rogers and Astrid Davies are our Featured Columnists. Josuel Rogers is a life & executive coach, speaker and podcast host. He is someone who values interpersonal-relationships and his passion lies in helping others become their best selves. Astrid Davies is an Executive Coach and change consultant who uses her 30 years of leadership experience to help her clients make positive changes which last.

You can see our writers here.

The magazine has a number of sections (which changes from time to time), from featured articles and editorials, to Maverick Thoughts, Maverick Creativity, Maverick Resilience, Maverick Law and Freedom, Maverick Self-Development, Maverick Leadership, Maverick Execution and Maverick Coaching.

It also surfaces random posts from the past, and the latest podcast episodes from The Maverick Paradox Podcast.

Write for The Maverick Paradox Magazine?

I am very grateful for all the writers and readers of this magazine. You have made it as popular as it is.


[1] A Swagger – collective noun for Socialised Mavericks. Created by Judith Germain