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Saturday, 8 February, 2025

Sustaining all life now

Sustaining all life on Earth is the theme being celebrated as part of World Wildlife Day. For millennia we have been able to rely on the world’s diversity to keep us safe. Today marks one of the most global annual events dedicated to wildlife – to increase awareness of the wonder that we have around us.

Due to the selfishness of mankind – this is now at risk and man has put itself in dire peril. Our very health depends on biodiversity.

As a Socialised Maverick I cannot understand how we (mankind) can allow the greed of the few, to destroy the lives of the many.

The defining principle for Socialised Mavericks is ‘first, do no harm’ and this is played out by the driver to ‘work for the greater good’. This is why ‘watching the world burn’, is so distressing. (See the Socialised Maverick Mission by clicking here).

Is there lessons that can be learnt by us that can be applied to business, when we think of this year’s theme? Well, we could ponder on how we are sustaining life in the work that we do.

To sustain human life we need to support and nurture our ecosystem. How we interact with each other is important as well as the environment around us.

If we thought of our work as sustaining life would we do it differently?

How do I sustain human life in the work that I do?

My mission in life is to provoke maverick leadership everywhere! Which sounds great, but what does it really mean? It’s a bit multi-dimensional but I’ll do my best to simplify what I mean.

When I’m talking about Maverick Leadership, I’m really speaking about Maverick DRIVEN Leadership™, which is a methodology that I developed a few years ago. (For more information you can take a look at my book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders). Maverick Leaders see Maverick DRIVEN Leadership™ as a way of life, not something that they only do when they go to work.

The following info graphic, briefly, shows the methodology:

Maverick DRIVEN Leadership™
Maverick DRIVEN Leadership™ – Judith Germain

Maverick Leaders also work for the greater good and balance out what is good for them against what is good for those and the environment around them. This can mean, for example, that they do not purposefully harm others in the pursuit of their own goals. Mavericks are amazing influencers and are able to spot someone’s weaknesses or vulnerabilities ‘a mile off’. They do not exploit them, or manipulate someone into compliance. This is how an Extreme Maverick operates and is not desirable or sustainable.

Integrity, objectivity and execution are key principles held by the Socialised Maverick. By harnessing their talent and enabling them to develop their attributes and competencies, I assist them in their ability to empower other leaders.

Leaders who care for their followers, have integrity and work for the greater good. Not just leaders that co-operate, but ones that actively collaborate. Ones that seek the win/win/win in every interaction, honestly and with authenticity.

First, do no harm, then succeed.

A Socialised Maverick doesn’t believe they have won, if they have to debase their character to do it. Walking the grey, with the torch of truth, Socialised Mavericks are keen to light the path. Perhaps to demonstrate that there is a better way to success, one that doesn’t leave dead bodies and broken minds in their wake.

Because they could do that if they chose, if they re-discovered their Extreme Maverick side, however disdainful that is to think about.

Hhm … That seems to lead us back to the analogy of the destruction of the bio-diverse environment we were born to enjoy.

Diversity in thought, action and mind. First, do no harm, then succeed.

Helping business owners is another way that I help sustain life. Reading that back, it sounds very grandiose. I don’t mean it to be. What I mean is, if the business owner is able to achieve what they want to achieve then they are able to feed their families, employ more people (or hire freelancers), send their children to ballet classes, build the local economy – improve their mental health. There is something extremely affirming for you to be able to achieve what you desire in the timescales that you want. In a way that honours your intention and makes your heart sing and your body leap.

The business owners I work with want to achieve something bigger than themselves – to work for the greater good. I like that, it means my mission and theirs is aligned. I can help them, help others and develop their dreams. Win/win/win.

What’s not to like?

Is it possible to sustain life, if you are working with larger organisations? I hope so. Have you ever been in that position on a Sunday afternoon, curled up crying because you have to go to work on the Monday?

I have.

I was in a job that had zero challenge in it, and it was depressing me, because no one noticed. My 30% of effort looked like someone else’s 80%. I felt like I was dying inside. I vowed never to put someone else in that position. I couldn’t understand how my manager hadn’t noticed. I searched for leadership and experienced none.

I have seen leadership that was so poor that grown adults were crying in the toilets at work, unable to breathe. Individuals that found work so unbearable they couldn’t face coming in. Leadership so poor that companies were failing, with no-one prepared to take the steps to prevent it from hppening.

It’s time to stop all that! Good leaders ensure that life is sustained. Their companies do not pollute the environment, they don’t damage the stakeholders. Their companies lead their industry and their employees are proud to work there.

‘Leadership is about influence, nothing more and nothing less’

John Maxwell

I love that quote. It’s true, if you can’t influence, you aren’t leading. Whether that’s your team, yourself, or your company. I help sustain life, make it sustainable, by enabling individuals to be able to influence.

Influence, not manipulate, fool, coerce but lead. Sustaining all life now.

Maverick DRIVEN Leadership™ is about ‘what you DO, and who you ARE

Judith Germain

The info graphic above shows you how a Maverick Leader demonstrates their leadership. It shows the things that they DO. The info graphic below shows you who they ARE:

© Judith Germain

My book goes into more detail. I enjoy Maverick DRIVEN Leadership™ because:

© Judith Germain

And what’s not to like?

Sustaining all life – how do you do it?

Judith Germain
Judith Germainhttps://www.judithgermain.com
Judith Germain is the Leading Authority on Maverick Leadership and has been defining Mavericks as wilfully independent people since 2005. She is passionate about creating clear thinking & decisive leaders who execute well, transform the future, awaken, & align others to eclectic possibilities. She is a multi-award winning consultant, mentor, trainer and speaker. Judith is also the Founder of the Maverick Paradox and Maverick Paradox Media. She is HRZone's Leadership Columnist, a Brainz 500 Influential Leader and author of The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders. Her expert opinion is sought after by national press, radio and trade press. Judith is also Editor of The Maverick Paradox Magazine and Host of the Maverick Paradox Podcast. Judith helps her clients amplify their impact and influence and is the creator of the 'Do you know how influential you are?' scorecard. Click the contact us button to find out how to hire Judith, or ask her to appear on your show or in your publication.

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