Where’s the change in that? One of the side effects of COVID-19 is that for Mavericks it has the annoying feeling that every day is the same. Yes, there is some minor variation but it’s becoming an annoying routine. The same thing, time and time again.
Mavericks are not great with routine – preferring the novel, the strange, the different.
To do the same thing each day puts the maverick right out of their comfort zone and has them struggling to find the learning opportunity out of their discomfort.
When mavericks are forced into a routine, particularly one that is not of their making they rebel. The rebellion is an outpouring of a mind that feels like the lack of challenge is literally killing them, forcing them to despair and desperation. To a Conformist, this statement feels over blown, and over dramatised. However, to a Maverick, challenge is like oxygen.
An essential component necessary for life.
So what should a Maverick Leader do when forced into soul destroying routine, not of their making? Firstly, I would suggest feeling the emotion, let it sink in. Repressing emotions for a period of time causes more damage than allowing them to express themselves. It’s ok to be sad, it’s not ok to live there.
Without challenge there is no point in doing a thing, which is something Maverick Leaders firmly believe. The next step then is to observe the routine, decide what works, what doesn’t work. Consider the benefits of the routine and its disadvantages.
You can’t disrupt a thing if you don’t understand it.
When disrupting the routine, add in items that lead you to executing your planned strategy. Remembering that reaching the destination is important, changing your planned journey route is less important. This is the time to add creativity into the mix.
What can you do differently, that would still allow you to reach your goal? Perhaps you can utilise technology that you wouldn’t normally use or speak to people outside your company that you trust – ones that would be able to give you invaluable insight?
Where’s the change in that? Now is the time to work without the distraction of the office – if only you could avoid the distraction of the children! Creativity may be needed on this front too. After all there is 24 hrs in the day – you can choose which hours you work. Base your decisions on what suits your natural rhythm. When I’m working on something particularly complex or difficult, then the very early hours of the morning is the best time for me. I go to bed early, and set the alarm for 3am.
For you, staying up late might be best for you. Turning into bed at 1 am in the morning because you have finished the task. Remember when you are working at the best times for you, in a quiet environment, 1 hr of work may give you the productivity of 3-4 hrs. Thus realising you from part of the day to enjoy doing something else; or furthering your goals.
When you are forced into a routine or activity that is soul destroying, ponder on the question – where’s the change in that? In the changed world circumstances, it would be negligent to assume that we can continue doing the same thing as we have always been doing. Therefore, to pursue the change in the routine can often prove to be an excellent strategy.
This is something that Maverick Leaders have an innate need to do and are fortunately competent at doing this. Maverick Leaders believe that there is always a solution – when you find yourself outside your comfort zone, remember this maxim.
You will find your change and your solution. Keep looking, it’s there.