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Monday, 13 January, 2025

David Chislett

David Chislett is a speaker, trainer and writer who has been working in the creative fields since 1994. He aims to change the world by helping people and organisations tap into their inherent capacity for creativity. David believes that Creativity holds the answers to many of the social and economic ills of our world and hopes to help more people discover their own options and choices by accessing their ability to create them. David is also a working poet and publishes work regularly on https://www.patreon.com/davidchislett. To learn more about his training and speaking offerings, head over to https://davidchislett.com

More Articles

Foundational Skills: Play And Creativity

Foundational Skills: Play And Creativity. Despite how hard Forbes trumpets Creative Thinking as one of the top 3 skills for the modern workplace, you don’t see people bragging about it on their CV’s. Too far out...

You need community for creative innovation

You need community for creative innovation. ‘The Creative Curve’ is an amazing book about creativity by Allen Gannett. Among the gems that you will discover within its pages is the idea that every highly creative...

Have A Maverick New Year

Have A Maverick New Year. I don’t ever bother with New Year’s resolutions. Not because I am a cynical old grump but because I am always already on a mission anyway. There is a project,...

The Importance Of Showing Up

The importance of showing up - how success comes from repetition. As Woody Allen says, 80% of success is showing up. But the importance of showing up isn’t always understood. Nor is the link to...

There’s no such thing as creative block

There's no such thing as creative block, there's no such thing as … I am a highly creative person. I write, I make music, I invent products and services, I sculpt and I am constantly solving...

Change: The Canary Down a Rabbit Hole

Change: The Canary Down a Rabbit Hole. I’ve fallen down a rabbit hole. But unlike Alice, I have not emerged somewhere strange, new and somewhat disturbing. Although where I am, is somewhat disturbing. The temporal gaps...

What Happens If We Don’t Allow For Creativity?

What Happens If We Don’t Allow For Creativity? Business is obsessed with measurement, quantification, justification and control. ‘What is the value that creativity adds?’ They ask, ‘How can we measure it?’ The truth is that creativity...

Curiosity Made Me Maverick

Curiosity Made Me Maverick. I am often described as a maverick. I never really thought about myself that way, so I was curious! As part of the re-work of my website recently, I asked a lot...

Being Maverick In The ‘New Normal’

Being Maverick In The ‘New Normal’. No-one knows what the future will look like. The optimistic feel there'll be a vaccine and we'll go back to something like what the world used to look like....



Driving Growth and Impact via Project Management

Driving Growth and Impact via Project Management In this episode Judith Germain speaks to Professor Adam Boddison, the CEO of the Association for Project...

Future-Proof Your Business

Future-Proof Your Business: The Crucial Role of Succession Planning. What would happen to your business if you were suddenly unable to lead it? What...

Circling the Sun: Leadership and Change

Circling the Sun: Lessons from 17 Years of Leadership and Change. Every culture has a new year.  Many celebrate it at the turn of...

Think You’re Empathetic?

Think You’re Empathetic? Here’s Why You Might Be Getting It All Wrong. Let me spill the beans without beating around the bush - Empathy...

Mastering Perception and Embracing Paradox 

Mastering Perception and Embracing Paradox. In today's episode Judith Germain speaks to Dr John Demartini about how to master perception and embrace paradox. Judith...

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